For educators who want to enroll 50-100 students within the next 6 months, you’re in luck because…

“ In Just 30 Minutes, I'll Show You How Education & Enrichment Centres Are Still Getting An Additional 15-20 Student Enrollments Every Month… Even With The Current Circuit Breaker!”

While many centres are struggling to keep their current students and deliver their lessons online, a small exclusive group of centres are taking full advantage of the current COVID-19 situation to enroll even more students for their class and build their brand. 

"Valuable Insights On How To Grow Our


– Wendy Zee, MPM Math

(Enrichment Centre)

"161 Paid Workshop Attendees In Just Over1 Month... Twice Our Initial Target"

– Elsa Tan, Oodles Learning & OnSponge

(Tuition Centre)

"Brought In 100+ Students And Many Of Them Took Multiple Subjects!”

– Chin Young, Fun Learners

(Primary & Secondary School Tuition Centre)

800% Returns On Advertising... More Enquiries Every Month!"

– Jacqueline Tan, Happy Train

(Brain Development Centre)

I’m Going To Show You How We Helped Dozens Of Education & Enrichment Centres Grow Their Businesses In 6 Months Or Less… And How You Can Do The Same Too! 

Hi Educators,

My name is Adam and I’m the founder of Scientific Growth.

We're a business growth consultancy focused on helping education and enrichment businesses scale to 7 figures and beyond. 

Over the last 6 years, I have worked over 3,000 business owners through my workshops and consulting engagements.

I have personally helped some of the largest training education and enrichment companies (many of them with multiple branches across Singapore) generate hundreds of thousands of of dollars of additional revenue and profits.)

“More Than Just Digital Marketing... 161 Paid Workshop Attendees In Just Over

1 Month" 

“They could offer us ideas as well as insights into what other education centres are doing or deploying. When we talk to them, the discussion is not just about digital media, but marketing and branding. Our initial target for our Parents Bootcamp is 80 attendees. They came back with 161 in less than 2 months! We experienced an 11% increase in our student enrollments in that year we worked with them.”

Elsa Tan

Founder, Oodles Learning & Onsponge (Tuition Centre)

“Valuable Input & Recommendations... Helped Us Build Our Brand & Grow The Business”

"The team provided us with valuable inputs and recommendations and areas that we can actually do and improve in our marketing strategy to help improve our business. They coached us and guided us to implement these strategies. In the long term, I highly recommend Adam’s team to any business owners that are looking to build their brand and grow their business."

Wendy Zee

Marketing Manager, MPM Math Singapore (Enrichment Centre)

We’re a performance-based consultancy that helps education and enrichment centres grow by:

Establishing a strong brand in the market that stands out

This will help you attract new partners and investors... even if you’re a small player in a highly competitive location. We have helped one man (or woman) tuition centres grow and expand to multiple locations within a short period of time..

Attracting hundreds of new enrollments through online and offline strategies

Yes, we do use Facebook and Google ads, but they’re just a small part of our overall marketing strategy. We implement an overall marketing strategy that helps our clients get enrollments even without advertising.

Opening new profit channels for your business

This can easily increases your revenue with little to no extra work. We easily helped our clients add an extra 10-20% on top of their current revenue. If you’re making $300,000 per year, this is an extra $30,000- $60,000 in the bank. 

Just think of us as...

Your Own Elite Team Of Growth Experts Who Will Double, Triple Or Even Quadruple Your Business In The Shortest Time Possible! 

Imagine never having to worry about your business again…

You can sit back and relax as you effortlessly attract 15-20 new student enrollment every month for the entire year, even during this challenging period.

These are recurring students that will pay you month after month and even year after year.

Bringing in cash flow to your business you can use to re-invest in your business to hire teachers, build up systems and keep parents happy. 

You can finally spend less time working in the business and more time doing things you love - helping students and growing your business.

If packed classrooms, successful students, happy parents and a booming business sounds like something you want,

Then pay close attention to…

Parents rushing to sign up for our client's English programmes. They started 2020 with their biggest cohort in their 6+ years history.

Parents and students attending a packed workshop from Fun Learners. This is the best way to educate your market, especially if you're selling high ticket programmes (>$1,000)

Our Scientific Approach To Massively Growing Your Education Business In The Next 6 Months Or Less!

With years of experience working with multiple education centres (from one-man centres to international franchisors)...

We created a proven framework that is guaranteed to help any education and enrichment centre grow their revenue, profits and market share within just months, even weeks! 

Here’s how we do it… 

Breakthrough Value Proposition (BVP)

Here’s the big challenge that many education centres face.

With so many competitors in the area, and a low barrier of entry where just about anyone can open up a tuition centre or start teaching tuition)... 

How do you cut through the noise and get parents to prefer your services versus everyone else in the area?

What you need is a “Breakthrough Value Proposition” - something that clearly differentiates you from your competitors.

Once you’re confirmed as a client with Scientific Growth, we'll do in-depth research on your market, competitors and solution, and craft a superior offer that helps you stand out from the rest of the competitors. 

You'll experience an immediate increase in attention and engagement from your market as we introduce your offer to the market.

One of the ways we do this is through video marketing.

(Psss... Video is probably the most effective way to quickly build a brand in the highly competitive education industry. The right video will help you communicate your value and stand out from all the noise in the market)

Because of the brand we built for our clients over 4 months, many of them were able to get dozens of enquiries every month... Even without aggressive advertising!

Video recording session with Good School on their ABC Methodology - one of the many frameworks we co-created with them to differentiate them from the competitors

Another video recording session where we help Fun Learners communicate their breakthrough value proposition using videos. We scripted, produced and promoted multiple videos for our clients.

Jacqueline Neo


Happy Train Pte. Ltd.

(Brain Development)

“More Inquiry Calls And Emails From Parents Who Had Never Heard Of Us Before”

"Previously, most of our new parents are referrals or parents who read good reviews about us online. But now, there are a lot more parents who are aware of us. We’ve been getting more inquiry calls and emails from parents who had never heard of us before (cold market). I believe our brand awareness and positioning in the market is stronger than ever. I would strongly recommend this programme to any tuition and enrichment centre owners who want to get more students, grow their business and achieve a breakthrough in their sales!”

Student Acquisition Systems (SAS)

Many centres use out-of-date, traditional methods of advertising to try and attract parents and students to enroll for their classes.

Some of them try to implement digital marketing on their own or hire an agency to do the work for them...

Only to be disappointed by the poor number or quality of the leads.

They end up chasing the leads for a commitment, wasting precious time in the process.

Scientific Growth implements cutting edge and proven strategies (both offline and online) for attracting highly qualified leads. 

We make sure that you only attract red hot prospects that are ready to pull out their credit cards and cash to enroll their children for your programmes.

Even better, we have specific strategies that get your dream clients to pre-pay even before they come down for your trial class, workshop or consultation. 

This means they are more likely to turn up (our clients typically see 80-90% turn up rate) and are more likely to convert into a sale.

We have done it again and again for multiple clients, helping them to explode their business in the process!

Our other “Secret Weapon”?

An “Education-based selling” process that pre-frames and closes your prospects for you even before they meet you! 

We do this with a combination of emails, SMSes and phone calls that increases your prospect's desire for your education programmes.

And that’s not even the best part!  

We automate 90% of the process for you so you’ll have an “invisible selling machine” doing all the sales for you…

While you kick back, relax and focus on what you love to do. 

We have helped clients double, even triple the number of enrollments with these time-tested strategies. 

Packed to the back workshop for Ace Education. They were able to generate 60+ new student enrollments within 4 months with many of them taking multiple subjects.

Workshop for MPM Math. We were able to get 70% of the parents to turn up using our Education Based Selling Sequence and close to 80% conversion for their workshop.

We help clients automate and optimize their follow up process for the highest possible conversion. In the process, the prospects become "pre-framed" to buy.

Darrin Tan


Knowledge Trail Learning Centre

(Primary & Secondary School Tuition Centre)

“Doubled Our Number Of Students In Just 2 Months... Exciting Times Ahead”

"The increase in revenue since the last time when we first started is actually quite significant. In terms of the long-term benefits , we have achieved in-house capabilities to scale up our operations. The revenue that the increased marketing has brought in allowed us to consider opening up more centres as well as bringing our operations overseas."

New Profit Channels

At Scientific Growth, we don’t just focus on helping you acquire more students. After all, acquisition is just one part of the game. 

We'll introduce new profit channels to help you generate more profit from your existing students. 

For example, we’ll show you how you can open up holiday/crash course programmes that will allow you to generate more revenue. 

These are usually short term students at first but with our strategies, they’ll will turn into long term students that will pay you monthly fees consistently month after month.

Online live classes also opens up another opportunity to sell to students that would otherwise not sign up for your classes.

Even after circuit breaker is over , this can easily add an extra 10-20% on your revenue.

If you’re earning $300,000 a year, that means another $30,000 - $60,000 into your pocket!

Another new source of income would be online courses. You might notice many centres starting to offer this to the market.

These are pre-recorded videos. Once the video is finished and uploaded, you can sell them online and turn them into low-effort / high return source of income.

We are currently helping multiple clients build up and promote their online courses. The results are extremely promising with our clients closing $10,000 - $15,000 of sales in just 1-2 weeks!

These are just some of the many ways you can double and triple your profits in the coming months. If you like to know what else you can do to increase your profits, get on a call with us and we'll share more!

Huge players like Superstar Teacher and Genie Book that are heavily funded by MNCs and Private Equity firms are investing heavily in online courses.

However, smaller centres can also launch off their courses online. With the right strategy, this can easily add an extra 10-20% to their revenue!

“Brought In 100+ Students And Many Of Them Took Multiple Subjects”

"The increase in revenue since the last time when we first started is actually quite significant. In terms of the long-term benefits , we have achieved in-house capabilities to scale up our operations. The revenue that the increased marketing has brought in allowed us to consider opening up more centres as well as bringing our operations overseas." 

Chin Young 

Co-Founder, Fun Learners School (Tuition Centre)

“Achieve 200% Growth In 6 Months... Our Business Will Never be The Same Again"

"Using their marketing strategies, we are able to achieve 200% growth in less than 6 months. This means that we were able to double the number of students within a short period of time. The team provided us and the rest of the team with a strong foundation in marketing. Our business will never be the same again!" 

Zhang Zheying

Co-Founder, Good School Learning Centre (Tuition Centre)

“Gained Over 60+ Enrolments... Achieved More Results Than 3 Months Of Roadshows”

I’ve gained over 60+ new enrolments, far exceeding my expectations. In just 1.5 months, I actually achieved the same amount of results as compared to preparing 3 months for an educational roadshow. On top of it, the programme gives us a proven sales and marketing system that I can use to continue growing the business."

Tricia Chan

Founder, Ace Education Pte. Ltd (Tuition Centre)

This Is NOT For Everyone!

If you’re already satisfied and comfortable with where your business is at...

Or your education business is in the very early stages of development and making less than $200,000 in annual revenue…

This is NOT for you! 

However, if you belong to an exclusive group of educators who:

Want to close an additional 15-20 new students every month (on top of what you’re already doing) 

Want to outwit, outplay and outlast the competitors in your area

Have the capacity to do add an extra 60-100 new enrollments in the next 6 months 

Are willing to stretch and get out of comfort zone in the initial stages to grow.

Are committed to take action and implement growth strategies

Want to work less and make (much) more by leveraging strategies, systems and a team.

Free Consultation Call (Via Zoom)

We'll be providing free consultation calls for education and enrichment centres who are looking to grow their business this year.

Through these consultation calls, we will be able to better assess where your business is at and give you specific strategies and recommendations that will help you explode your business in no time!

Here’s What We'll Be Covering In Your Call:

The current gaps in your business and what you can do about it

We’ll share what the actual industry benchmarks and big players are actually doing to grow their business. You'll have a clear idea where you stand and what you need to do next.

A roadmap of how you can grow your education business during this period, especially during the Circuit Breaker period.

This roadmap is something usually only shared with our long term clients but you get to hear about it first hand over the call. 

How you can cut your work time by 50%-60% and still earn 2-3 times more revenue

This means you’ll be spending more time working on the business than in the business. We'll show you what smart education centres are doing to scale up.

If you’re a good fit, we’ll share more about our “Education Business Accelerator” programme

As well as the kind of explosive results you can expect to see in the next 2-3 months. We only take on 1-2 new clients every month, so we want to make sure you’re ready for growth before we take you on as a client.

Consultation Slots Are Extremely Limited! 

Each call will take roughly 30-45 minutes and there is a limited number of calls we can make every week.

The team will also need to take time to research your brand and your market before the call so we can give you actionable insight and recommendations. 

To ensure that you are able to book your slot, we highly encourage you to book your slot as soon as possible.

A Word Of Advice

As more and more education centres come into the market… with the same subject, same pricing and same location…

If you don’t stand out from the crowd, you’ll just get "eaten up" by competitors and your business will only get smaller and smaller over time.

When you jump on a call with us, we'll hold you (and your business) by the hand, show you what you need to do to become the only logical choice for your market...

And cut down on your work time and still make double or even triple your current profits!

After the call, if you find that you’re not the best fit for our programme at the moment, but you’ll still get valuable insights on the market and competition as well as highly practical strategies you can implement almost immediately! 

Don’t let this chance slip by, every day that you wait is another day that can be used to potentially use to take your business to the next level!

Book your consultation call today!

We believe strongly in maintaining a long term relationship with our clients.

Enter Your Details Below To Book Your Consultation Call Today!

Details to book your call will be available on the next page. You'll also receive an email with some information.

About Scientific Growth

Scientific Growth is a business growth consultancy focused on helping educators and trainers scale up their businesses to 7 figures and beyond.

Whether you're in the business of helping children learn, providing higher education or providing training for adults, we'll take your business to the next level in 6 months or less.  

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Are you just another digital marketing agency?

This is not a digital marketing agency where we simply use Google Ads and Facebook Ads to promote your business. We implement strategies and plans to best angle your business in the market. We also come up with a breakthrough value proposition for your business, giving your brand a look that stands out in the market.

Can you really help me grow my business in 6 months or less?

Yup, we have helped dozens of education businesses do the same and we're confident with our knowledge, experience and background in the education industry, we can help you do the same!

How long is the consultation call?

The call will be roughly 30-45 minutes long through Zoom. If you're a good fit for our Education Business Accelerator programme, we'll schedule a more in-depth consultation within the week or next. We usually want to fully understand your business and objective before we take you on as a client.

Why do you only work with 1-2 clients a month?

 We do this so we can focus on helping our clients get results within the shortest time possible. It takes a lot of time, effort and resources to make sure each client's business has the right foundation to scale up.

Why if I don't qualify for your "Education Business Accelerator" programme?

It's okay. Only about 1 out of 5 centres that approach us qualify for our programme. If you're not a good fit, we'll let you know as early as possible. We'll provide you with a checklist of things you need to work on and some free resources you can use to grow your business.

What is the "Education Business Accelerator" programme all about? 

"Education Business Accelerator" is a 6 months programme focused on helping you grow your business. We'll provide a combination of coaching, training and "done for you" marking services to ensure you get results in 6 months of less.

Will you try to "hard sell" me over the phone?

We only want clients who are serious about growing their business and have the right ingredients for growth. This is the reason why we will do multiple calls / meetings with interested education centres and ask you in-depth questions before we decide to take you on as a client.